About Us
The South Central Ohio Workforce Partnership serves as the Area 20 Workforce Development Board. The Board is responsible for overseeing disbursement of funds for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Area 20 is comprised of Fairfield, Hocking, Pickaway, Ross, and Vinton counties. The Partnership sets policies on how funding is used for Adults, Dislocated Workers, and Youth that are eligible for WIOA funds. This funding is used for training and placement of individuals with local employers.
Latest News
Area 20 strategic workforce analysis and economy recovery plan
The South Central Ohio Workforce Partnership (Partnership) of Fairfield, Hocking, Pickaway, Ross and Vinton counties works in collaboration with the chief local elected officials (CLEOs) of those counties to set the workforce policies for the region under the auspices of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
Job Seekers
If you are a job seeker, please click on the links below to visit each of our county's OhioMeansJobs website.
Fairfield County Hocking County Pickaway County Ross County Vinton County