Job Seekers

OhioMeansJobs (OMJ), a proud partner of the American Job Center network, is a partnership of organizations and service providers in Fairfield, Hocking, Pickaway, Ross, and Vinton counties who work together to assist people seeking work, looking for better jobs, or those who need training.


Hocking OMJ (SCOJFS)




Customer Testimonails

You guys have been great to partner with and helping to promote Cintas and our brand for job opportunities in Fairfield County.

Ashlee Gates Cintas Lancaster
Customer Testimonails

Ohio Means Jobs, Fairfield County has been instrumental in assisting Acloché with finding good associates to meet our client’s needs... It is difficult to find skilled candidates for many of the job opportunities we get, so having this extra resource has been invaluable in the search for qualified associates.

Jesse Blevins Acloche
Customer Testimonails

Ohio Means Jobs was one of my first contacts when I started working in Circleville. I’m very thankful to have them in the community as a resource because they’ve been a tremendous asset to me as I’ve worked to develop relationships, hire employees and establish a competitive wage structure.

Amy Parsons Sofidel America